Ever have those moments, I wished I took care of my hair when I was younger? Yeh well that is me right now.
Number 1.
Brows are everything on your face. Why on earth did this trend only come in the last 10 years, I feel like we should have known this a lot sooner.
Number 2.
You will care about those chemicals you put on your face! When I was in high school there was a brand here that was massive. They had all the celebs in their ad campaigns and it legit did work for anyone that used it. But this was because it was full of a cocktail of toxic chems. God knows what long term damage we did to the repairing of our skin at such a young age.
Number 3.
You will have shit skin at some point in your life. One thing I boasted about all throughout my teen years was how I never had pimples, apart from the odd psoriasis, eczema on my body and dermatitis on my feet from my ice skates. I really had zero pimples and I made sure everyone knew that. Well they say karma comes back around, or at least my pimples did. Hello adult pimps !
No matter how perfect you think your skin is, we all have battles and it is about feeding your body and skin the right stuff to help you through.
Number 4.
Treat all of your skin, not just your face. My skin routine would be purely getting a towel scrubbing my face and maybe putting on some face moisturiser. Now days I have a very specific ritual that I follow on the daily
Number 5.
Water water water ! Put that OJ down gurrrll and get yourself some water. This needs to be drilled into our heads at a young age. Hydrate your skin from the inside out !
Number 6.
Take your make up off and don't marinate in it too long. Before you get into bed after a night night make sure you remove your make up as soon as you get home. I never did this and I sure did pay for this!
I could go on all day about this, make sure you let me know what beauty tips you wish you knew !
- Nat